Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Blessing of the Gifts

We had the honor of presenting goats to 3 widowed Hatian women yesterday, one of the women had an injured leg from the earthquake.  The team had been looking forward to being able to bless someone with the gift of a goat.  In Haiti goats are valuable for their milk and reproduction.  In the Hatian culture, expressing thanks for a gift is not as expressive, as we are in the US.  They will quietly say "merci" (thank you).  God had a surprise for the team - after presenting the goats, team members were brought to tears as the women came to each team member and gave them a hug and a kiss expressing their thanks for this gift of a goat. We who had come to show Jesus' love to these women were the ones blessed by the outward expression of their thankfulness, that God had answered their prayers.

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome, I love the gifts that keep on giving,
    Keep up the great work, blessings and prayers to all of you and all you touch


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